CT Corporation has the expertise to support your business in APAC
APAC provides many opportunities for growth

Doing business guides

Learn more about the top challenges and opportunities of doing business in the APAC region
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Frequently asked questions about doing business in APAC

What are the risks of doing business in the APAC market?

Doing business in the Asia-Pacific region isn’t without risks, including the potential threat of cybersecurity issues, which requires cross-border coordination. It also highlights the need for anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) due diligence.

What is the compliance complexity of doing business in the APAC market?

With a diverse range of languages, cultures and legal systems, the region features more time-consuming compliance requirements than does any other region, as noted in the 2018 Compliance Complexity Index, which ranks 84 countries based on the compliance burden in areas like corporate governance, company formation and directorship services.

What is the APAC region?

Asia Pacific (APAC) is a geographic area that includes much of East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania, and has become a key driver of the global economy. APAC is a vast region, home to over 4.3 billion people, which is roughly 60% of the global population, and it includes some of the fastest growing economies in Asia.

What do I need to know to do business in the APAC region?

Expanding business into APAC countries involves a variety of considerations, such as developing a solid market strategy, overcoming cultural and language barriers, and understanding the government’s role and business regulations. Our country guides provide more detail.

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